Friday, September 17, 2010

Dear Diary - August

Summer's here and the time is right for caravanning in Weymouth. Through the medium of stealthy net detection, I've discovered the Pebble Bank Caravan Park was where my cousins and I pitched up for a week. Although mum and dad had the good sense to lodge at a local B & B, avoiding the sound of early morning boots, boots, boots marching up and down again from the army camp next door. But what a week: windy beaches, a Radio One Roadshow and a trip to the pic's for Buck Rogers in the 25th Century (can you believe TV premiers were ever cinematic attractions?) Followed by a week in Codford St Mary.

I don't know if you remember, but the BBC ran a Spaghetti Western season over this summer, so slumbersome early morning paper runs (no, it didn't last) were made easier by pretending to be The Paperboy With No Name.

Planet Punk finally and firmly pulled me into it's dayglo grip with a studded wristband ordered (20th) possibly from the catalogue (2nd), a My Way TV special (27th) featuring Sid Vish and three Pistols album picked up in one month (16th and 25th) along with these singles ...

Dick I chavvy it's a Mudtown slusher

Sham 69 - Hersham Boys

The Specials - Gangsters

But it's not all noisy boy anthems - peeping through August's charts unearthed Bill Lovelady's forgotten guilty pleasure from the summer of '79


  1. Ah. Wilma and Ardala. Even at the the age of ten I knew they were something special.

    God Beeb 2's summer seasons. My favourite was their Hammer seasons. That sort of thing is what they should revive.

  2. I'm impressed that you chalked up Peel's birthday - did you send him a a card?

  3. You went to see 'Moonracker' - sounds like one of those porno remakes ; )

  4. Hey ho early birds!

    Do you remember The Beeb used to do black and white runs (Laurel and Hardy, Marx Brothers) over Christmas Simon. And yes the two sci-fi disco dollies must have led to a few uncertain stirrings and hormonal meltdowns for teenagers

    And only aged 13 too JM, although I don't know how I knew.

    Badly dubbed with plenty o' moustaches and flammable fibres. Ps Jungle Burger and Flesh Gordon (double billing) were my first two cinematic smut films - seen in 1980 I think.

    Bill had a follow up too ISB reggae something-or-other. Not that he's cashing in or owt.

  5. At this time I was doing three paper rounds, morning, evening and Sunday morning, with all the heavy papers. I was coining it in. Then blew it all on slot machines in the Isle of Wight.

  6. Bloody hell - that's ambition FC, I hated mine (especially Sunday), I felt like a zombie walking around a ghost town and it's always cold at that time.

    I made my wad working in the Co-op but blew it at BOY and Vivienne Westood.

  7. Is that John Peel's birthday you've got carefully recorded there?!

    PS. Listening to the latest podcast is on my to do list for the weekend. Can't wait!

  8. I do hope that Moonracker was a better film than the awful Bond 'Star Wasrs Cash-in' Moonraker... The book is actually really good, but the film has nowt to do with it at all (bar the title!).

    Too much detail on how you made and blew ya wad Mondo....


  9. Ah 1979 was the year I started a paper round, I was 9. I also used to babysit for 4 year old twins at that age!...can you imagine in 2010sending your 9 year old out alone on dark, wintry mornings to walk the streets alone? I wouldn't let my daughter do that now at almost things change.

  10. That's it Peel's birthday Cocktails, don't know how I knew, but when I found this calendar was quite impressed that as a just-turned-teen, felt it had been worth recording. Hope you enjoy the poddy - let me know if there's any surprises.

    Haven't read Moonraker P, but will put it on me list. Have you tried Devil May Cry/Care the Sebastian Faulks one - winner. Grabbed it for 50p at the Leigh Folk-Fest

    Kids freedom was almost unlimited back then Jacqui, I would walk myself to infants school and got the bus to Southend aged 10 - unthinkable now
