Monday, September 3, 2007

Have a Go Heroes Pt. 1 - Borat With Biceps Pumping Heavy Metal

One of the best (and worst) things about the internet is it’s an open mic medium and anyone can shine a spotlight on themselves and become a cyberspace superstar. Occasionally you see something that has more sparkle than a chandelier, but mainly it’s happy amateur howlers

I’m going to start logging some of these "Have a Go Heroes" in the blog - Anything from top notch bit’s and bob’s I’ve stumbled across that have made me think how much longer until I can play like that? to lower league legends whose hearts are in the right place but fingers aren’t. It’s all going in the blog.

First up is The Nuclear Warrior blundering around in a boiler room. Doing two minutes of half hearted heavy metal and semi shredding solo’s that melt your fillings and make your ears bleed. They grind out the sort of trebly, tinny frequencies that put the needles in the red, and next door’s dog into spasms. But it’s not just a noise that annoys, there’s crazy shark fin shaped guitars, a muscle vest (in red) with comfort fit leisure slacks, porn star ‘taches on guitar ‘n drums, and a librarian on bass too.

It’s like Borat rocking out with a couple of reps.