Friday, February 15, 2008

Funky Friday - French Fancies

C'est magnifique! - it doesn't get more glam than Brigitte Bardot.

Crème brûlée ! - it doesn't get more French than Brigitte Bardot and Serge Gainsbourg cosying up on 'Bernie and Clyde'

La sauce est tout! - there's a bit more Bardot here if you fancy getting on the pied bon.

'St.Tropez' is probably better known as the theme from Channel Four's 'Eurotrash'

Brigitte Bardot - St. Tropez.mp3

Brigitte Bardot - Tu Veux, Tu Veux Pas.mp3

Brigitte Bardot and Serge Gainsbourg Bonnie and Clyde.mp3


  1. it's a shame she turned into a right barmy nutcase

  2. She looks such a fox, but unfortunatey has got the singing voice of a fox too. C'est la vie

  3. eey Chiahua (sic) I think she needs to buy a bigger shirt! we love the yeh yeh girls (women). will have a good listen not thought of BB as being funky, sultry oui sultry non, so this should be good.

  4. BLTP - I've got a few more French popsters lined up for the blog,although they not out swish BB

    Davey - I take it you've watched the first clip - the opening credits to the show. You can treat yourself 120 minutes of Brigitte with the 'Divine' double DVD set here

  5. Hey Devil Dick thanks for dropping by I'm a big fan of your funky digs

  6. ...what can I say. Time for a cold shower, huh?

  7. Dang, she's more horny then a herd o' heffers....

  8. Hey Vince - thanks for those 'retha rarities in the week, I'll be making use of some for next weeks Funky Friday.

    LPP - what a fantastic selection of goodies for grabs.

    56 - I must remeber to use that phrase for next years Valentines card

  9. Bridget Bardot .... what would kate moss have done without her eh??? (probably ripped off racheal welch instead methinks) kate moss in fur bikini .... hhmm im off

  10. Great photo Mondo. Just my cuppa. Ta.

  11. Glad it's the spot for you all.
    Is that one lump or too Axe?
    *does Sid James cackle*

  12. I bought this album in yer actual France, so I did. She can't sing for toffee, or any other type of confectionary and has turned into a Nazi but it is a marvellous slice of pop. All hail to Serge though for producing another gem.


  13. She's a goddess among women. She oozes sexuality. Gorgeous beyond words. I loved her music. Her song Bonnie & Clyde with Serge is a favorite of mine.
