Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Pogo At The Disco

More evidence that a Punk and Disco combo can work as well as sweet and sour.

Go Home Productions - You Make Me Feel Like XTC.

Yes - that really is Steve (Sex Pistol) Jones and Olivia (sex symbol) Newton John.

No - It hasn't been Photoshopped.

Pop Fact - XTC's name for this generic Disco cymbal sound was 'Pea Soup'


  1. There's something about that chick....

  2. There's a touch of this girl about her isn't there.

  3. Strange. She looks like a deer caught in the headlights here....
    Steve looks like Steve.

  4. oh yeah and many thanks for stopping by! i'm glad your diggin' the digs!

  5. I like how faced with a snapper they've each reverted to default poses - Steve the daft punk sneer, ONJ the all-teeth grin. Cheesy all round.

  6. DD - I've been hammering the 'Fender Bender' track on your blog what a winner.

    DH - He looks like BA Robertson doing a Sid Viscose sneer.
