Monday, March 17, 2008

Baltic Fleet - Clout Rock

My actual copy of Baltic Fleet's album 'Baltic Fleet'

I went to see The Bongolian at Blow Up Metro a few weeks back, first on the bill were Baltic Fleet whose set was as explosive as bare knuckle battling robots - since then I've heard them on Steve Lamaq, been checking out their (Myspace site ) and ....have even gone and got a copy of the album.

Imagine the demolition duo of Peter Hook on bass and John Bonham on drums dropping in occasionally to add their robust rhythms to the crystal synthscapes and fat anaglogue wallop of Boards of Canada. Almost impossible to pin down, but where 'Christiane F' imagery, Eno's 'Begegnungen' period,the sound of collapsing icebergs and the words Saw-tooth, ringmodulatorand oscillation all overlap on a Venn diagram is the place that Baltic Fleet inhabit with their nu wave for the space age...

Baltic Fleet - 3 Dollar Dress

Baltic Fleet - Castellon Theme

Silvery were second on the bill that night, whose higgldy piggldy Victorania arcade anthems and 'I was Lord Kitchener's Valet' outfits you can see here - the single 'Horrors' is out now. It looks like this .
My actual copy of the Silvery single 'Horrors'

Be sure to check back on Thursday for a ' Fu Fu Stew goes Mondo' mix - Where Vince the Soul Chef from Fu Fu Stew has prepared a 70 minute mix of New Wave nuggets, Electro anthems and early eighties treats. It really is something quite special...


  1. yeah baby yeah. Tick tick tick away in my ears.

  2. RE You really should check out the album (or the myspace site at the very least) Baltic have got a real 'lets go Euro' vibe - Germanic build quality, French cool and British pop sensibilities. Bums! I should have put that in me blog bit.

    Would it be cheating to add it in now?

  3. niiiiiice shout mr mondo ... baltic fleet got even MY 'balsa feet' tip tip tappin


  4. Baltic Fleet tip of the top, I liked the name when I saw it, but was expecting early omd ambient the sound of rotting submarine reactors sort of thing but this is equally marvelous; your new widget means I have to buy the thing though curses;)

  5. there websites a bit minimal

  6. BLTP I never thought to look for a website, I tend to go straight to myspace.

    Yes, that's the point behind my new gadge' - you've got to get behind those new bands (old, rare and retro is a different thing)

    You should be able to get the album and single in Rough Trade East (I did), which is where I saw a great instore last year from

    PS My myspace site is here if you fancy a peep

  7. Rough trade east would be corking for me a mere beagel throws away but the beggars closed the east london line for 100 years so bang goes vinyl browsing and salt beef munching bah! I was just being cheap about the widget one of these days I should actually pay for a down load I suppose.

  8. Would it be so wrong to say that I didn't like Baltic Fleet? I mean, for the sake of being hip I wanted to but I just don't get that KrautRock vibe. I never have. My loathing of it started with Faust and just went down hill from there. Dagnabbit! I'll never be down viz deez crazee kidz.

  9. BLTP - Rough Trade's only 10 minutes from Liverpool Street, get to spitalfields and you're almost there - I'm based in Old Broad St and it's just a 15 minute walk - Go on treat yourself.

    AV - Not a problem, but I like crunchy synths as much as noisy guitars (Hawkwind and Roxy both making a fine mix of rock and robotronics)It's not gonna be everyones cuppa,
    How about this though - highly recommended

  10. Pm. will you stop with reccomendations I don't get paid until the 25th and there's simnel cake to buy and that!

  11. A good spot there PM, this has potential! Really like the two tracks you posted, although for some reason, didn't expect to!

    Got to track a copy of that album down.

    Keep up the good work fella!


  12. PM, do you want my job? You're clearly better at marketing than I am! Went and picked up the Silvery 7" yesterday...

  13. Baltic Fleet now safely moored in my cd player :)

  14. Cocktails - BLTP

    Glad to hear that, you won't regret it.

    Now then, who can I start bending your ear about next?
