Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Midweek boogaloo - Angelic Upstarts

I was sixteen (and into punk) when I first picked up a guitar.

After three months of struggling with reefknot fingers, chords and calluses over songs like 'She'll Be Coming Round The Mountains' and 'Blow The Man Down'- my 'Satellite' Strat-a-like guitar got shelved..

So what to do with these underage overachievers - give them a clap, or a clip round the ear?

Frank "Sugarchile" Robinson - Caldonia

Ray Charles and Billy Preston - Blueberry Hill

And for all out fun size fretboard meltdown it's Thomas McRocklin


  1. How funny - I favourited that Caldonia clip a month or so ago when looking for Louis Jordan stuff - as you do in a random moment. What a boy!

  2. He's a cracker isn't he - I think he does 'Numbers' or 'Counting Boogie' which is worth a peep too
