Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Re-make/Re-model Pt. 3 Real Deal Divas

Forget low calorie, size zero personality, wibbly wobbly warblers, shreaking squealers and puffed up preeners who put all the goods on the barrow with nothing left in the loft. Cold hearted Harpies, hard faced halfwits and know-nothings exploding in giddy ninny tizzes over some silly business.

No. No. No. Peggy Lee and Mae West are where its at dad, those slinky superstar supervixens as full, fruity and saucy as knickerbocker glories and peach melbas. Swishing from the hip, shooting for the heart and getting pulses pumping like Thumper with the raise of an eyebrow, the flick of a fringe or the drop of hankie, who have giants and gentlemen reaching for their lighters while blowing smoke rings round all wannabe waifs and WAGS.

Peggy Lee - Sitting On The Dock Of The Bay

Mae West - Great Balls Of Fire

Some hi tech clever clogs has made a vid' for the Mae West track - well worth a peep

And, speaking of wonder women have you checked out the mighty Rock Mothers podcasts 'Romo For Real'? Armed with a box of tunes and a bottle plonk, it's fourty minutes of wall to wall wonder tunes and chirpy chat - get on over and fill your Biba boots here.

PS - One track from this posting will be appearing in a new mix going live this Friday

"will you woo this wildcat?” - Taming Of The Shrew


  1. I am eagerly awaiting a Pet Clark special mate.

  2. That's not a bad idea actually AV I may grab her French Language album - did you catch the Bardot goodies posted here a few weeks back?

  3. ahhhh.... the devil's loves the ladies!

  4. cor that little break has got you all feisty and fired up hasn't it - top class

  5. Ally it could be fresh air that's got me all 'sparky', that and the combination of these cocktail catwomen.

  6. What a super version of dock of the bay.
    I'm LOVING your prose too BTW.

  7. Thanks RE, that's really kind of you. Don't forget to check back tomorrow - your Little Milton track is 'in the mix' (along with this Peggy Lee cover)

  8. Oh yes, and I've been listening to a few Romo shoutcasts. Some fantastic tunes in there.

  9. Peggy Lee and Mae West were both something special. Loved them both.
