Monday, June 9, 2008

Laugh Cry Live Die

Occaisonally you may notice my brother's name Tronik Youth popping up in the Mondo cyberspace scrapbook - well, as if he's not busy enough with gigging all over the globe and reworking and remixing tunes like this for The Gossip, The Rakes, and New Young Pony Club - the ol' clever clogs has also found time to clonk out his own shiny new single, 'Laugh Cry Live Die' it's out now (and available on iTunes from this week)- so why not try before you buy below...

Then perhaps check his MySpace site for mixes,live dates and details of a new piece of electrickery he's working on with Midfield General.

Also watch out for out for more Tronik related treats over on Roman Empress soon..

Following on from RE's tip off - here is Yoav 'Beautiful Lie' (Tronik Youth Mix)


  1. Ah yes, now we're talking. I have been sneakily listening to this track on his MySpace site for a few weeks now. Really excited about the upcoming Q/A on my site and thanks for the lil' linky.

    ps. I put his Yoav mix up on my facebook the other day. Should be on the front page still if you haven't already heard it. Heh.

  2. I couldn't find it on your facebook page is it on the wall or summat?

    I managed to it track down here though - what an elecro belter, but while searching for it I saw he's done an Arcade Fire remix and a mix for Fenchurch clothing here - he kept those quiet..

  3. s'good! didn't realise it was only a 48 second taster tho! Just getting the ol toes tappin and off it went! Bit Daft Punk-esqe (well the 1st 48 seconds were anyway...)

  4. Blimey your last linky is an hour long podcast. How marvelous.

  5. I downloaded the p/cast last night and blasted it on the way on this morning - have you tried it? Blimey it's good, like Depeche Mode meets Donna Summer.
