Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Standing In The English Rain

I'm on something of a Beatles buzz at the mo' - The White Album, Love and a self compiled CD being the most played albums on our recent Cotswolds run. The Fab's catalogue is something I occasionally drift away from distracted by other old stuff, odd stuff and new stuff but will always loop back to The Beatles at some point.

So what a result then, while bumbling around Broadway last week swerving the squall, to find that sixties scene snapper Tom Murray was in town to talk and chat about his set of previously unseen photos from the Beatles 1968 'Mad Day Out' (now being sold as limited run of signed prints), well we had to hoof along and lend an ear didn't we? You can see all 23 shots here - which look stunning blown up and framed (I bought 'Coming Apart' shown below) - but why just 23? Tom only got a last minute invite from Don McCullin (the centrefold photo on the Red and Blue greatest hits albums is one of Don's 'Mad Day Out' shots) to join a 'pop group' photo shoot, but wasn't told which 'pop group' - so only grabbed one camera and two rolls of film.

So, how about a barometric anthem for this summer - which ironically never popped into play on last week's roll around the Cotswolds. 'Rain' seems to be the tipping point as the Fabs go from loveable moptops to furry freak beaters. Points to check out are..

Maccas chipped tooth and puffy lip (the result of Scooter accident while on his hol's - and a reason for his 'Pepper' period 'tache).

John's pre sanded down sunburst Epiphone.

The absolute dead sync drum and bass particularly after the two minute mark

'Rain' promo video

The Beatles 'Rain'

There's also an alt.promo recorded for the Ed Sullivan show here

'Coming Apart' - taken at Old Street Station - July 27th 1968


  1. Rain's a great song isn't it? Macca's bass playing on this is a wonder to behold.

  2. great pic you bought there PM. Its really odd to see a beatles pic that you havn't seen before isn't it? You get so used to seeing the same old snaps over n over again..

  3. Davey - and the way Macca locks in with Bongo's beats and breaks - incredible.

    P - Keep an eye out via the Tom Murray site, as he seems to tour round with these pic's, so may be in London at some point - well worth a trot along, he's a top gent and full of sixties (and seventies) gossip.

  4. Wow. Very awesome. It's great to see new Beatles shots. You do seem to see the same ones over and over again. It's cool to see some that you've never seen before.

  5. rains excellent I hadn't heard it until last year played it all the time, just got "'for sale" so am listening to "words of love" 5 times a day.

  6. Kingy - have you seen Don McCullin's photos from the Mad Day Out there's some crackers in the catalogue.

    BL - funnily enough 'For Sale' was the last Beatles album I picked up, based on reports of 'patchiness'. Turns out it's a gem 'What You're Doing' 'I'm A Loser' 'Every Little Thing' and 'I Don't Want to Spoil the Party' which sounds exactly like The Coral

  7. For Sale is my favourite Beatles album. It sparkles like none of the others and is full of absolute gems - and they're not the most familiar songs in the catalogue in my opinion.

    And a photo of The Beatles taken in a place that I grew up in - that roundabout was where we used to go to have fights after school! That's simply grand. Cheers.

  8. Love the Beatles as well. Got turned on to them in a serious way about ten years ago at the ripe age of 29. I was talking with this 17 yr old kid I was working with in a shop at the time and asked him what type of music he was in to and he said The Beatles. I responded with a "You a bit young for that?" Previously I had only heard, really just their early hits on classic radio. The kid hooked me up with cassettes of "Rubber Soul", "Revolver" and a spliff. First time for all three and was blown away indeed! To say they were genius is easy....cause they were!!!

    All the best Brutha!!

    Peace and SOUL,
