Tuesday, May 5, 2009

A Big Brassy Beehive Of A Ballad

That's what I'm all of a buzz for today...

Think Of You Baby - Liz Christian

PS - that's not Liz Christian in the pic - couldn't find one of her. So Martin Parr 'Union Hotel Manchester 1976' it is then.


  1. cor big brassy beehive of a ballad couldn't describe the sort of thing i love most if it tried. super bloomin dooper

  2. You two were the first names to pop into view when I heard this belter a few weeks back, thought it may be up your alleys - I found a few more over the weekend. Be posting soon.

  3. I really liked that a lot. It was fantastic.

  4. Nice song and photo... I'm a fan of big hair. :)

  5. S'a belter isn't it Keith ,all the highs, lows and southern soul guitar riffing..

    Gabbi seems like the - bigger the hair the bigger the voice.
    Dusty. Cher.Amy Wino.Shirley Bassey.

  6. My music/hair theory still holds Davy..

    F-O-S = half-hearted and lop-sided (band and hair). Equally...

    Punk = short, sharp and spiky.

    Mod = short, neat and clipped.

    Prog = long and rambling.

  7. What a beautiful, silky smooth voice she has.

  8. It's somewhere between heart-break and bliss-out - like all the best voices should be I suppose..
