Friday, June 19, 2009

Funky Friday - Let Your Fingers Do The Walking

Phil 'Wolfman' Harvey plays the ex-Island Records studio piano, now at Reazor in Putney - Photo by Bleech.

We've said before, how satisfying it must be for highly polished pianists to breeze away at the keyboard. Galloping or gliding through cascades and clusters of fluid-fingered key strokes and free flowing notes. Today's FF features several shades of glowing genius : heavy handed hammond, Jack-be-nimble piano and a continental combo of both..

Enri - The perfomer
Hammond anthems just don't come no funkier - and wait for those punchy trumpets at the one minute mark. Stomping.

The Keith Mansfield Strings - Soul Thing
More hooky horns (with a touch of The Kinks Lola about them) and the slick-fingered style of Keith Mansfield - King of the London Swingers..

Bernard Estardy - Vertigo Leitmotiv
Bernard grunts, groans and generally yelps his way through this high speed shuffle, that keeps tapping up the tempo, but, feels about two minutes too short to me


  1. nice ... he was actually playing the 'film '82 '83 '84 '85 ' (and so on) theme tune when i took that shot,

    "aaaannnnndd why not?"

  2. ha....aaand here it is... with a bonus clip to start it all off, flim fans..........

    ..thats jAAAAAAzzzzzz

  3. now not wanting to look like a mondo stalker at all ..ive just checked my emails and look whats on offer on the wonderous freecycle today

    "I have a traditional upright Allen piano wanting a new home. I bought it about 19 years ago, refurbished, and it has been used by my children to learn on. Now needs to find a new home or, tragically,will have to be dumped. Currently in Kibworth. "

    and its free!!!

    anyone interested get in touch on b33ver (at) googlemail dot com and ill pass the details on....

    over and out (honest)

  4. Bleech - or 'I Wish I Knew How It Would Feel To Be Free' to give it it's full-fat title you can grab Billy Taylor (the compser's) version here

    Or watch it here
    Waddya mean I need to get some other hobbies?

    Out of three Davy I'd put you down to favour..
    Soul Thing
    The Performer
    In that order?

    PS not tempted snapping it up yourself bleech

  5. Correctamundo Mondo, You Know Me Too Well.

  6. Soul thing doesn't just sound a bit like Lola, it practically is!

    Top tunes as per.

  7. True. A combo of that and my low level psychic radar Davy (which tells me you're not quite sure what to read next, and there's a busy weekend ahead)

    The Tony Newman version of Soul Thing is worth a peep too Cocktails and possibly funkier still. I think you can grab a copy at Larry's Funky 16 Corners site..

  8. I've never heard any of these. Thanks for posting them. I liked them all. Enjoy your weekend. Cheers!

  9. Liked Enri in particular... don't know that one. Better than expected with a name like that... was expecting a certain 'Mr 'splash it all over' Cooper'!

  10. Thanks Keith have a tear up yourself

    Killer isn't P - thought Soul Thing may have been your sorta groove too.
    Did you know - the Bernie track comes from one of Paul T's Blow Up comps

  11. What soul! Great songs and post dear Mondo... my very favorite is 'The Keith Mansfield Orchestra'. I'd heard it before but had no idea who they were till now. Thank you and hope you're having a nice weekend.xo

  12. The Island piano? Now, there's an unmistakable sound... well, almost anyway, as it does sometimes sound remarkably like the one they had at Olympic in the late '60s.

  13. Apparently it comes from Island's Fallout Shelter studios Steve Musters who now works at Raezor gave me all the lowdown on it he's got an ex Bob Marley mic too
