Sunday, February 28, 2010

Podrophenia 8 - It's a Family Affair

The latest Podrophenia from Piley and I brings you a family sized portion of chat and tunes including a a roll-call of songs featuring dads, mothers, cousins, brothers - and two tracks from actual uncles.

Amongst usual the jabber and blab we ask: what's more amazing, some hi-deaf riffing found on Radio 3, or that one of us is a secret Radio 3 listener, which puppet couple may have been 'having a dabble' and we've a semi (ooer) Woodwatch update.

Podrophenia 8 - Families

Or via iTunes

Oh, and the 33 and a 3rd Eye mix mentioned after my second track can be grabbed here

Behold ! Bygone Buses


  1. Bonjour Monsieur Mondo,

    I just spotted your comment on my own Gainsbourg podcast.

    The tracklist is as follows:

    1. Dents de lait, Dents de loup (Milk teeth, Wolf Teeth) - SG & France Gall
    2. Soixante Neuf, Année Erotique - SG & Jane Birkin
    3. Monsieur William - SG
    4. Cannabis - SG
    7. Slogan - SG & Jane Birkin
    5. Initials B.B. - SG
    6. Les Sucettes - France Gall
    7. Contact - Brigitte Bardot
    8. Intoxicated Man - SG
    9. Aux Armes etcetera - SG

    All of these tracks should be available on Spotify/i-tunes with the exception of 'Dents de lait, Dents de loup' which has never been officially released. However, you can download an mp3 here:

  2. Will you're a star - that opening tune is a scorcher I've been buzzed up since first hearing it.

  3. Top quality selection, as ever. You two remind me of when Jenny and I exchange presents at it mine next? One that got away: Goose Step Mama!

  4. Very nice. Listened to it first thing Monday morning, great way to start the week.

  5. Not a problem Dave.
    It was the theme tune to this French Pop spectacular:

    You may recognise it as the basis for Beck's 'New Pollution' video.

  6. Goose Step Mama ~ yes! And there's that fab foreign cover version you sent me. We'll have to keep that for round two.

    Cheers Coops, are you tempted with a Battlesbridge revisit Coops (or a lend of Bygone Buses).

    Speaking of Beck I was playing another tune that he seems to ripped for Devil's Haircut last week but forgotten what it was now.
