Friday, June 4, 2010

Downtempo But Upbeat

Apologies for the slower tone of today's post - but we had some unexpected news a couple of weeks back which left us stunned and shaken (I won't expand at the moment if you don't mind). Since then, the swirling storm of push 'n' pull possibilities and slow-release of reality has begun to still to a steadier level of more positive prospects.

It's been a bumpy couple of weeks that have left us numb and unplugged from all the usual doings, although something that's kept the mood buoyant has been the soothing tunes of Trojan Records. Tunes like...

The Paragons & Rosalyn Sweat - Blackbird Singing

Lee "Scratch" Perry - Tell Me Something Good

I'm sure this just a rhythmic dip and the normal nonsense will be resumed soon.


  1. Hope this is just a passing cloud, Mondo. Thanks for the top tunes in the meantime.

  2. Hope everything is ok Mondo.

  3. top tunes and perfect for strange days:
    reminds me of a Jerry Dammers dj set on a lazy sunday in Victoria Park: the smell of spliffs, sand under foot and fake palm trees:
    thinking of you Mr M:

  4. Thank you all.. Mrs M and I were discussing developments last night, and it's become that sort time where you stop worrying about the kids and start worrying about the parents (well the one remaining parent between both of us). But hopefully things will stay at the brighter end of bad situation.

  5. sorry things are not good just now... hope it picks back up soon

  6. Hello Mondo, I'm sorry to hear that things haven't been so sunny over there for you in sunny Southend. Still the tunes are top (love the Paragons!) and I really hope that things look better soon.

  7. Thanks F-Ron, Cocktails..just a downard dip in things, back on the level now.
