Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Dear Diary - December

Which album is Kid Christmas is holding? Scroll down for the answer

And so shipmates we come to our end-of-year sign off, the closing chapter in our 12 month part-work. But what a year, skin-shedding from disco poppet to teenage punk and junking Edwin Starr for Sid Vicious, with all manner of hi-jinks, capers and carry ons recorded forever by way of a few scribbled bits. Coincidentally I found the 1980 (mentioned on 12th) calendar last month. What do you reck' give it a go, or stick to '79?

What was traditionally a bumper month for birthdays 14th, 16th and 28th has become a case of 'last man standing'. But let's not end on morose note, and before we step into Christmas...I'll dedicate the entire run of Dear Diary posts to mum and dad who made this year, and every year, so special for me.

What can we spot in December then: a torn ankle ligament, early snow (18th), black DMs (10th) and two family traditions. The tree and deccies up around my birthday. And a London run driving to the maternal aunts and uncles handing out gifts and prezzies. I literally loved this, dad zipping around town and seeing the capital kitted out in it's Christmas shiny finery

Chart-wise the closing moments of '79 looked like this. Tune-wise I'll leave you with a couple in keeping with the punky mood of this month (Damned, Wolfmen). The Greedies (a re-up, as my single's dropped down the back of our wardrobe), a New Year's variant of the same track from the Kenny Everett show plus a best of '79 chart run-down with Tony Blackburn...sensational!. And not 79-ish in anyway but also a tune from Spector LP pictured with David 'Kid' Jensen..

Let's all meet up in the year 2011. Until then - have yourselves a merry little Christmas and a rocking New Year doings. Make the most of your loved ones, go easy on the port and plum duff, and hope Santa brings you everything you've worked and wished for..


London Calling should be in here too, but seems to have gone the way of The Greedies

The Greedies - A Merry Jingle.mp3

Darlene Love - It's A Marshmallow World


  1. I have loved this part work Mond. 1980? Bring it on!

    And have yourselves a very Merry Christmas Mondos large and small x

  2. Mondo, this diary stuff has been ace, so 1980 is an absolute must!

    I love the open-mindedness of your blog; it knows what it likes but sees the good in other people's musical tastes too. It's why I keep coming back all the time. Have a fantastic Christmas and New Year.

  3. Matt has summed it up perfectly. Love and best wishes to you and yours. Have a great Christmas. John

  4. 1980 is go then. Bad news: expect punkier tunes. Good news: I've found some old photos from days out etc.. to chip in with.

    Bless you all, and have yourselves a magical little Christmas..

    PS any guesses which DJ is 1980's Mr Jan?

  5. Oh gawd, he's got another year lined up...

    Merry Xmas, M ;-)

  6. Like everyone else I've enjoyed the Dear Diary posts and look forward to 1980.

    Have a great Christmas!

  7. Merry Christmas and a Twittering new year - Paulo and Mick

    I've got another idea for something else retro-vinyl related, that I may punt in next year...

  8. yeah, up for another go of this, been good fun (I also have a 77 daily diary that I unearthed that I might blog... wont be a long runner, though, lost interest by about March!).

    All going on in December wasn't it?

    What a buzz there must have been in your house in December, all 3 of your birthdays AND Christmas, in the space of a fortnight.

    'up' was a very 70's word used in going places wasn't it?! so & so came up, I went down to see thing-a-me... don't hear it now.

    Little bit of Scottish creeping in on the 20th, no doubt with half an eye on hogmanay... you went and locked yourself "oot"!


  9. Locking yourself out making the calender made me smile too.
    Hope you and the family have a very merry Christmas and a great New Year too!

  10. You're great, Mr. Mondo. Be good, have lots of fun(k), and I'll see you in 1980(?) hehehe

    Peace and blessings to you and yours this holiday season :)

  11. JJ and P - I think there was another 'lock oot' (and trip to Southend) earlier in the year. Keep 'em peeled for any more during 1980

    Cheers Vince - plenty o' punky nuggs appear in the 1980 edition

  12. Is Kid Jensen wearing a QPR top? I thought he was Palace?

  13. I think he's QPR but trying to buy Palace? Peel is strictly Liverpool though

  14. These diaries have caused enormous merriment at our gaff, and you seem to have spawned a new catchphrase with 'LOTR'! Can't wait for 1980 - and that seems to be unanimous.

    All the best to you and your family over Christmas and New Year, Mondo - I know this is probably going to be a strange one for you, but you'll be well taken care of.

    From your South Coast pals.

  15. Thanks ISB 80 is go then...and LOTR makes an appearance again - although a bit bitter-sweet..(more on that later)

    Have a lovely christmas and rocking new year to the Brighton massive..

  16. Happy New Year!
    Hope 2011 is a great year for you all
    All the best
