Friday, April 1, 2011

Podrophenia 14 - April Fool's Day

Tomfoolery and Joker's Wild are a couple of vintage TV themes you'll find rattling around in the latest podcast from Piley and I, an April Fool's special - with a motif of comedy/novelty records. Contemporary comedians, retro radio stars and unlikely outings from cult rockers all get popped on the playlist..

Piley brings you an update on Malawi's cheek-clenching Windwatch situation, while I revisit Alternative 3, a Science Report spoof that backfired (unlike the good people of Malawi) causing East Anglia's own War of the Worlds style frightener.

Running to a budget-busting 12 tracks and 70+ minutes - you can grab our jamboree bag of tunes and chat right here..or iTunes if you prefer

Podrophenia 14 - April Fool's Day

One of my nearly, but not quite tracks...Billy Howard - King of the Cops


  1. I love that Goofy Greats album. It gets a regular play at mealtimes so me and the boy can lark around while we're eating.

  2. Did you know there - several versions of it Simon? The UK edition is mine pictured (and Not the Nine O Clock News can be spotted too) click the pic for full track list. International variations are here

    BTW my two tots loved The Goodies - have you tried nipper on that - few tunes here if you fancies

  3. Ooh! I loved Rentaghost, especially Mr Claypole. And Goofy Greats.

    Apologies for the very late reply - you're more than welcome to pop into Mrs Jones if you're about xx

  4. Gram watches a new cartoon called The Regular Show which has a character that reminds me of the fella with the big round head from Tomfoolery, see what you think:
    We've got a new poddie up today too:

    I always hated Rentaghost with a vengeance, and Pipkins. Needed to get that off my chest, feel better now!

  5. The phrase 'effing and jeffing' is truly one of the greatest in English.

  6. Listened to it today, really enjoyed it. Eno!! Always loved that track, hated Judge Dread though. Urgh. Never liked him.
    Glad to see you've gone with the longer format, and not gotten yourselves all worked up about an extra 20 minutes here or there. Effing & Jeffing, Handbrake are all going in the Oxford English Dictionary as of next year from what I hear. Good to here Ian swear straight off the bat too. Mondo as Elphick made me laugh, I have to find that song now too, it's just so horrible that I want it. All that and no Divine Comedy. :D

  7. I'm only up the road (Chancery Lane way) so will pop me beak in after 5-ish Christina! Did you know Russell Brand is in line for Rentaghost the Movie

    How can you not like Rentaghost Coops - The neighbours (The Meakers were fab). I'll do 5 when I've caught up on my listening backlog..

    D - 'effing and jeffing' younger brother Tronik has to get credit for that can see his new vid by way of that linky..Straightener (for a hangover drink or fisticuffs)is mine though

    We've been busting a gut to keep under 60 mins, but for a pair of power-jabberers like us pretty tricky Gary. Had a few Eno tunes on the sub's bench Backwater, King's Lead Hat..

    And Dread could have been much worse - the Elphick captioned pic is on Facebook. Dig about under the Podro galleries (Pod 1 or 2 I think)

  8. I like the podcasts to be over an hour, as long as it feels like a natural thing and you're not padding it then let it be. The last two have been better purely because of that for me.

  9. Perhaps these 12" extend mixes of the poddies, will be regulation issue from now on..

  10. I forgot to say it was Bobbie Gentry that you were both trying to think of at one point.

  11. Yes, Bobbie Gentry *snaps fingers* still don't know how I misheard Piley's 'Google it' as 'Piglet' have you ever seen Fancy worra tune! Touch of Russell Brand about her barnet though

  12. Nice one M. Kept waiting for you to shoehorn Billy Bailey's Dr. Qui in!
