Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Down at the Doctors

The full set of Muppet band (Dr. Teeth and the Electric Mayhem) concert posters are viewable here 

Take a seat and wait to be called - is the tone of tonight's tunes. Bo Diddley-Itis, Fever, Sharon Jones and the Dap-Kings Just Dropped In (To See What Condition My Condition Was In) are all on this evenings sick-list.

Natter-wise we may be compiling a list of acts and artists that sound like medical conditions, or perhaps a list of fictional Doctors. And rolling out a few fruity new DIY jingles from Drakey Girl and Phil Hubbard

If you're fit as fiddle drop by from 9 tonight, if you're fit to drop - take two aspirin, tuck up in bed and tune in to Chance Radio  for tonight's Radio Podrophonia doings

Tom Jones - Dr Love

Lee Perry's Doctor on the Go. The bizarrest refit of a TV theme.


  1. Brilliant show Tuesday night Mondo & Piley :D
    It’s such fun listening in & reading the hilarious chat-room banter; I've got a not to be missed slot reserved in my diary especially for Podrophenia night...
    Ps love those Muppet Posters, they’re fantastic!

  2. Thanks Lil that's really kind of you. I don't know how those chatter-boarders have such quick trigger fingers..
