Friday, October 14, 2011

Dear Diary:1980 - September

September seems to be the month for horses and house parties - not at the same time obvs!

I say 'parties', they were actually more of a - buy some cider (Triple Vintage/ Merrydown) from the old dear at Unwins and get it down the hatch at a friends house - type tear-ups. For Hayes's socials, while the parents were out, the top-loader stereo -shaped and weighted like a mahogany block with wooden stalk-like legs - would be lumped down from upstairs for some music to booze to in the front room.

Horses: I'd chosen horse riding as a PE option but couldn't get on with it. The blooming things were typically either rearing up Lone Ranger style, or stopping for a steaming, streaming gusher of a comfort break. For extra curricular activity, we'd nip along to see J. Mowatt and mate Hayley Bill (not her real name, we added the surname for chuckles) daring a ride on Tempest. A flighty nag who was several hands too high for a 'rider' of my casual calibre, and why after being given a giddy-up slap on his back-end, Tempest shot off like a thundercrack, throwing me out of the saddle - but because of one foot still trapped in a stirrup, dragged  me behind like a sack of old spuds, bouncing across the tree roots and muddy bumps. I was black and blue for days after.

And photos too, (Michael) Hayes, (Jackie) Calvy and myself (with new bow tie) doing a photo booth squeeze at Southend Bus Depot (27th) - and Ye Olde School Photo taken on the 22nd

M.Hayes - top row, 3rd from left. Me  - next row, 5th from left. J.Calvy - bottom row - 4th from left

Top 75 singles

Top 75 albums

Records collected this month are: The Plasmatics, The Damned, more Spizz, more Splodgeness and Dead Kennedy's Fresh Fruit for Rotting Vegetables - most which had been ear-wigged from late night listens to John Peel....

 The Plasmatics - Monkey Suit

Dead Kennedys - Chemical Warfare

A teaser trailer for next month's diary doings - where the entries are expanded in a Silvine notebook..
I haven't a clue who the 'weird girl' that follows me home is, or why I hide in the garage from her. And how about that! LOTR at our school!


  1. I only ever liked the silver label Merrydown. There are some wicked hair cuts in that school photo.

    I only ever owned one Plasmatics single, Butcher Baby on blood splattered white vinyl, nice!

  2. Your Dear Diary posts are awesome Mr Mondo... I had just that one (blood splattered white vinyl) Plasmatics single as well... Loved the sirens and the chainsaw sound effects, but the cut was dreadful (on my copy anyway)... Loved the picture sleeve too...

  3. That'll be this one - I also had the 12" and the album follows next month. Do you think Wendy O Williams may have been pulling my record buying strings? She was like a punk Pamela Stephenson to my teenage ears and eyes..

    And for all the (understandable) stick The Plasmatics get - it was the Peel show where I first picked up on them.

  4. Riding as a PE option? Where did you go to school? Hogwarts?

    Nice to see Gambo on a calendar.

  5. Hogwarts - fantastic. We had some stables nearby and they booked us in there, but it was just cantering round in circles *yawns*. Although the day the horses escaped and ran around the school grounds went in the diary

    This is my old school - cue the Steely Dan song

  6. yeah.... riding? riding? i can't get past this riding thing? i mean i know you essex lot keep horses in all possible unsuitable placesbut riding for p.e.? stone me...

  7. And who's the girl in velour??

  8. It's an easy gig too Ally no extra kit required, or bothersome school shower during those difficult years - and you can pretend to be Clint Eastwood. It was a shoo in as an option..

    The sky blue velour and red hair? That's Coral Selley one of those quiet librarian types.
