Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Galloping DJs

A belly-busting buffet of foody tunes are on the menu for tonight's Radio Podrophenia. 

Breakfast, tomatoes (sliced), grapes - baking even are all on the shopping list of popular song. Although given some of the subjects that have been bouncing around the board over the last couple of weeks: Biffins Bridge, Pouch of Douglas and I won't even mention the G word (NSFW in *any* way) - you may be best to have your tea before listening, not after...

Chat and banterwise Piley and I would like to know: extreme eating experiences, forgotten fast food chains and your grimmest eating out moments please

Prick up your ears and prepare for a double helping of 'hellos' from all at E. Pellici's (below) in English and Italian. We're live from 9 on Chance Radio tonight...

And if you fancy some extra seasoning,  last week's edition: Seasons is available for take away here..

Radio Podrophenia - Seasons


  1. That sounds like a nightmare combo of a 70s Radio One Roadshow and It's a Knockout

  2. Graham Kerr!

    I'll just have a short slurp...

  3. Black Pudding ~ never. White Pudding sometimes...

    A short slurp. I'd forgotten all about that
