Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Cathi Unsworth and the Norfolk Noir of Weirdo

Following on from Friday's post - my Weirdo review taken from the current edition of Level 4 magazine, an absolute head-spinning novel framed against an 80s landscape - it is the perfect read as those autumn evenings begin to draw in and the shadows start to stretch out

If you're feeling eagle-eyed - perhaps play spot the song reference for each of the chapters (and keep your peepers peeled for me in the credits)


  1. Bizarre coincidence. I don't read too many thrillers, but liked the cover of Weirdo, and reading the synopsis piqued my interest so I picked up a Kindle copy a couple of months ago. I've only just got to the acknowledgements, and there you are lurking like a bad smell. Good read. I like these quirky thrillers. Have you read any of the Belinda Bauer thrillers?(Blacklands) Well worth a look...

  2. I haven't tucked into any Belinda Bauer yet. I'm just reading Syd Moore's Witch Hunt at the mo' - her Drowning Pool is well worth adding to your reading pile, review here..

    And Cathi's Bad Penny Blues (interview here..)
