Friday, October 25, 2013

Keeping it Peel: Peel Band Name Generator and The Sessions of The Damned

Teenage Dream achieved - interviewing The Damned about their 35 year career

It's a double helping of Peel themed treats for this year's John Peel Day. Find your own unique Peel Band Name, and two Peel session exclusives  from The Damned...

The Peel Name Band Generator..

How does it work? Dead simples. Take...

A) a charity you support - National Trust 
B) a parents job - Newsagents

Bolt them together - and there's your Peel Band name - National Trust Newsagents
Examples submitted include....

Mind Cleaner
Leprosy Reps
Macmillan and Housewife
Guide Dog Librarian...

Either post your Peelers here. Or if you're a Twitterer - Tweet and tag your answers #keepingitpeel to @Foundpeelbands

Full @Foundpeelbands story here

Damned Doings

As a bonus what have we got for tricks and treats? Two cover versions never committed to vinyl, and only ever appearing during John Peel sessions from long haul faves of the PM blog - The Damned.

From 22nd October 1979: Cream's I'm So Glad - refitted as I'm So Bored, meddling together nods and nudges to Gary Numan, The Specials and John Du Cann

I'm So Bored - Peel Session

The complete 79 session is below.....

From the 7th July 1984: a clobbering version of the Stone Rollers...

We Love You - Peel Session

Back in the pre-digital dark ages I had both of these cuts rendered to hissing ol' tape, by some late night nifty fingered clicking on play/record.. possibly replaced by a booty from Kensington Market later

Further reading 

Dig back for these previous Peel releated run-outs

A Podrophenia special with Roman Jugg talking about, Bowie, the Sex Pistols, The Damned and Phantom Chords - the vid above comes from Podrophenia (with Piley and I doing the spoken word middle section) - download the show below

Podrophenia Roman Podcast

And the The Damned tell me all about 35 years of Anarchy Chaos and Destruction. A blog exclusive

Damned interviews...


  1. I'm So Bored sounds a bit Iggy Pop too. And a NY Dolls reference in We Love you. good stuff.

  2. I came up with "Lucky Strike Pensioneers" ... now THAT's a name for a band if there ever was one, I would like to think!

  3. Top shout Dirk - we ran this out previously on Twitter. These were some of the bands ...

    McMillan the Newsagent
    Greenpeace Grocer
    National Trust Tradesman
    English Heritage Housewife
    Guide Dog Librarian
    Amnesty Architects
    Monkey Sanctuary Market Trader
    Amnesty Foreman
    Mind Cleaner
    Mind Scaffolder
    Parkinson's Plumbers
    Oxfam fireman
    Skid Row Electrician
    The Easter Seals Embalmers.
    The Gorilla Foundation Risk Assessors
    Humane Society Drill Sergeant.
    Greenpeace Fire Eater

    From Guy Pratt....
    Shelter Actor.
    Homeless lecturer
    Addiction midwives
    Macmillan Navy.
    The Ghanaian Village Lecturers
    Woodland Pharmacist
    The Blind Society Welders
    African village coachworks
    Poppy Day Troubleshooter
    Orangutan Bigband Trombone Player

    Zoe Howe - Caring For Animals Pickle Factory,
    Jude Rogers - Scope Teacher,
    Eammon Forde - TrĂ³caire Builder,
    Rob Fitzpatrick - the homeless economist.
