Tuesday, October 1, 2013

TMFTL - imaginary John Peel bands

There's a new Twitter account in town TMFTL - Found Peel Band Names. A scrapbook of spotted oddities and inspirations that sound like imaginary John Peel bands .

First up Fat Panda (found at 22 Words). Who, could possibly be a Moby Grape era outfit, or something from the Madchester scene...

If you've got, any TMFTL suggestions - posts  'em hereabouts


  1. Inevitable but still splendid that someone should take the long-standing pub game and Twitterise it: *follows*

  2. Are you aware of my Peel Band Name generator? Take a charity you've supported and a parents job..

    We had a stack (over 400) of great responses..

    Mind Cleaner
    Leprosy Reps
    National Trust Newsagents
    Macmillan and Housewife
    Guide Dog Librarian...

  3. For a while I got into the habit of checking (not clicking) the URL in spam emails I'd received - the ones that used to flog diet supplements by namechecking Hollywood celebrities ("Ellen DeGeneres shows off her baby bump"...) but now they're back to the more traditional willy pills.

    Anyway, the URL in the email itself is usually presented in the form of


    and the middle part often offers up some Peel-worthy band names.

    Favourites have been things like Foggy Luftwaffe and Impunity Chesterton. This morning has offered McPherson Desist.

  4. That sounds fab, but I can't get the link to work. Any chance you could repost?

  5. It's not an actual link, just a demonstration of how they read -

    website.com /

    two words chosen at random /


    Captcha codes are good too - for this post it's 2025 lhousla.

  6. Ths just in - the successors to Alabama 3


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