Friday, October 16, 2009

Freaky Friday - T is for.....

Tales From The Crypt - if you've never seen an Amicus anthology horror 'Tales' is the place to dip in. All the codes and conventions of a classic Amicus production(seventies contemporary styling, a repertory of British screen icons) are in place over the five portmanteau set pieces - Joan Collins and the psycho Santa, Ian Hendry doing the loop of terror and Peter Cushing at his most ghostly. A few years after it's release, late night TV repeats of Tales From The Crypt were discussed in mythical whispers at school, and the fearless few who stayed up watch them were instantly awarded the heavyweight status of Playground Legend..

Tell us you're fave TV Thrillers, fright-night films recommended reads, scariest kids shows, urban myths or other spooky doings - Piley and I are recording the Podrophenia Halloween Special next week so any ghostly gubbins pass it on here -

Tick Tock - Les Fleurs De Lys
A pre-Zep Jimmy Page was involved with session work and production duties for LFDL, and seems to have refitted Tick Tock's riff for this Zep ztomper

Tarot - Andrew Bown
A delightfully sunny slice of polite psych pop

T is also for - try a peep at these

Bitter Andrew's always excellent autumn almanac.
The Halloween Countdown

Blogger-my-neighour Coops new venture...recreate your favourite cover art - Sleevie Wonders


  1. love that Andrew Brown track - it's perfectly psych!

    Not that I have any spooky stories, but your link to your email (?) isn't working.

  2. Whoops! All sorted now. The title ' Tarot' is slightly misleading - you'd expect a dark, misty moody number - but it's almost spring-like..

    Did you ever see the Australian horror Razorback - and do the Mad Max Trilogy count as horror?

  3. The Joan Collins segment still haunts me. I managed at last to buy this a couple of years ago and was as spooked as my 13-year-old self was at the time.

    I love all these. Big fan of the Tarot one too - but isn't it Andrew Bown, rather than Brown?

  4. Nope, never seen Razorback and Mad Max is currently languishing unwatched on a video beside the telly. I'm not really a fan of horror or action films. I like artwank me.

  5. Bet you F-C has seen Razorback though!

  6. The Joan Collins section is genuinely chilling FC- and what about those interiors,wouldn't you love a place like that? Have you seen from Beyond The Grave it's highly rated in the Amicus biog - but doesn't beat 'Tales' for me. (ps that book has become quite collectable - check the Amazon price for it!)

    I don't think you've missed much Cocktails I saw Razorback but don't remember it - You've got to watch Mad Max - if only only number 2. It's a cult classic and almost arthouse horror (see also Eraserhead and Andy Warhol's horror films)

  7. So cool. I love this post. These are all spooky cool. I'm really getting into the Halloween spirit. I can't wait. I'm working on some posts for both my blogs for the week leading up to Halloween itself. I hope you have a great weekend.

  8. That brilliant Tarot song was from the kids TV series Ace of Wands back in about 1970. The song gained an almost mythical status in our house because we had been trying to get it since those days. It finally turned up a few years ago on this, which also includes The Likely Lads and Magpie!

    I'll have to have a chat with you about old horror movies one day. I love old Hammer, Amicus and Tigon movies.

    PS Five-centres is right - it is Andrew Bown.

  9. The Arthur Grimsdyke story was always my favourite. Definitely the best of the Amicus movies.

  10. Amazing theme Mondo!! Frightfully cool (had to type that, sorry!) :) My fave is the Tarot by Andrew Brown and also I must watch the 1972 Tales from the Crypt! I'd never even heard of it...

    Wishing you a great weekend and thank you for the tips on my vampire fun!♥

  11. I'll keep an eye out for those Halloween themed posts Keith..

    Whoops missed that Mick, all changed now Bown it is. Magpie's the album I took Tarot from, it's also got Elton doing Spirit In The Sky hasn't it. I've got Amicus 'coffin shaped'DVD box Mick and have been very tempted with Tigon and Pete Walker drop me a mail for any horror tip offs I'd love hear your recommendations.

    It's a tough call Coops between the Joan Collins tale, Arthur Grimshaw and Monkey's Paw rework..

    You've got to see Tales Gabbi, trust me you'll love it..

  12. Oooh creepy! I love Halloween... although it only lasts one day!
    Plans for halloween... I'm not sure what I'll be doing :( Hopefully somewhere fun to wear my costumes!!!

    Thanks so much for stopping by! :) I actually like brussel sprouts! We can trade.


  13. Hey Hey Bunnie - that was title of one of my tunes chosen for Piley and I's last podcast - try an earful here, it's a galloping funky thumper.

    Yes all for a bit of spookiness and I've a few fright night posts in the pipeline
