Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Dear Diary - June

Did I ever tell you my The Day I Met Paul Gambo (George Michael, Limahl and Leee John) story?

What's June's news then?

A new bike. Not brand new - but some crazy arrangement built by and bought from my biker neighbor: a combo of racing frame, chopper handlebars, banana seat and an easy rider back rest towering as tall as my neck - a snip at 20 notes

The annual School Arts Festival featuring a one off appearance of our KISS trib’ band (read miming to Detroit Rock City). Paul Stanley if you’re asking.

Food poisoning, sickness and never noshing on Leigh Cockles again (9th)

The Radio Luxembourg Roadshow rolled into Southend. Where, hurrah and hats in the air - I took first prize in the Bits ‘n’ Pieces pop quiz, walking away (age 13) with a crate load of Crocodillo sparkling wine. A few bottles, but nowhere near the full compliment of all 24 made it back to mum and dad’s drinks cabinet if I’m honest.

The last week of June's chart looked like this with singles bought being: The Skids and UK Subs (did I ever tell you my The Day I Met Charlie Harper story) I’m guessing the Anarchy logo is a hidden symbol for Anarchy in the UK (probably as I was still slightly guarded about coming out as a punk fan to my parents).

The Skids - Masquerade

UK Subs - Stranglehold


The Lone Ranger - Quantum Leap

The Johnny Rotten Juke Box Jury (30th) incident can be viewed below, and the press cutting is taken from my scrapbook previously seen here..


  1. I was about to say how much I loved the entry 'Leigh by bike, karate book, cockles' (it's a a poem in its own right, a Southend haiku) - but sorry to hear about the food poisoning. Don't suppose the Thames Estuary was too clean in 1979...

  2. I think it was during a swimming trip to Southend Ian Dury contracted Polio - water quality that was more brown flag than blue flag back then, which couldn't have done the cockles much good either.

    PS The mini-doodle is feet a'dangling from Bell Wharf.

  3. I love the Mondo diary, like my own, only far more daring.

    I'm very jealous of the Radio Luxembourg roadshow. I never even knew there was such a thing. The closest the Radio 1 roadshow came to us was Bournemouth and it wasn't that near. We had to pretend the County Sound stage at the country fair was it instead. I never won a thing other than one of those spiral paper hats.

  4. I loved the Quantum Jump song when I was little (must have been about 5 or 6).

    Listening to it for probably the first time in 30 years today some of the references are, er, interesting!

    Also found this interesting too:


    Thanks Mr Mondo, a great trip down memory lane!


  5. I was mad for wobbly ol' Radio Luxembourg - they were very pro-New Wave, and played some great Goon Show Barclays Bank ad's (more on that later). We had a photo in the local paper and everything. I'd forgotten all about those pop-up spiral hats FC, were you a 2CR listener? We always tuned in on Bournemouth Holidays?

    Yes has some cheeky codes and connotations doesn't it - you can catch the previous Dear Diary entries here if you've missed any Andrew

  6. You were 13 - and Radio 1 gave you a crate of booze! Imagine the headlines today! That's brilliant - even just reading the word 'Crocodillo' made me scream (I can still remember the radio ad).

    Southend was awash with poo in the seventies. I can remember going in for a swim and going to pick up a stick that was floating in the water, to throw at my friend. My hand had almost closed around it before I realised that it wasn't a stick at all....happy days.

  7. Radio Luxy ISB - Southend wasn't big enough for Radio One. Also won a couple of t shirts and this style window sticker..

    It was the outflow pipes wasn't it they were only a few meters from the shoreline *gulps*, turds, cornplasters and jellyfish - you never read that in the brochures.

  8. IN FANTS Mondo? or is it IN FAWTS? Whats all that about?

    Have you ever had Leigh cockles again? I love a bit of the 'ol cockles myself, but not of the Leigh variety, gritty and rank. Just a short trip up to Clacton and you get the finests cockles money can buy off of Tubby Isacs.

    The camping and wedding sketches are great, it's no wonder you ended up at art college.

    And whats the deal with the WINDOW on the 29th? If you look at the 28th ans 29th quickly it looks like "SMASH HIS WINDOW"!


  9. John Lydon certainly got under Fluff's skin, didn't he? Remember when Frank Skinner tried to tame him on a live edition of Fantasy Football circa 1996? One minute he was there and then, cue commercial break, he was gone!

  10. 'Infants' - a few of us decided to revisit our old Infants School, only out of hours and via the rootops - couple of nearby nosy parkers, thought we were bandits or burglars, called the police and we were chased off.

    'Window'- think I was larking about in drama and ended up smashing a window - ho hum, worra handful!

    PS - There's a Tubby Issacs stall about half a mile from me at Aldgate. Still wary of cockles though - it's like rubber, grit and vingar. Why? How about jellied eels - tempted?

    Missed that JM, I had a night out with Barry Cain earlier this year, who interviewed Lydon for 77 Sulphate Strip, he said the drunker Lydon became the more abusive he became. He's consistent though - Pistols - bolted. Juke Box Jury - bolted. I'm a Sleb - bolted. Fantasy Football...

  11. Ah the great Luxy, Fab 208. I loved listening to that station, fading in and out on the medium wave.

    Also like ISBW, I'm thinking it's great that they let a teenager carry off a crate of booze. But did it do you any harm? Course it didn't.

    Just after that time I was working in a bar. Under age naturally but I was tall enough to 'look older'. That's what passed for an I.D. card in those days - 'you look tall enough to be 18', so you'll do.

    Anyway I digress. The Crocodillo promotion was in full flight, with it's lounge lizard Crocodile, and the amount of snapped off necks of those little cone bottles was incredible. The crown top was hard to get off because the bottle neck was so short. You had to jam them right into the bar mounted opener to get any purchase and that then cracked the necks right off. Could've used a hand opener but who's got time for that, eh.

    What a dull comment that turned out to be - the forgotten trivia of bar work in 1980. I might start a special blog for it!

  12. 1979 - what the hell would I have been doing? Doing my O Levels that's what... good grief! I'd be hard pressed to tell you what I got now :-)

  13. I used to switch between Peel and Luxy? Steve Wright was on after midnight around this time I think - and doing exactly the same magazine format..

    You right about old enough if you look it - I was a bit taller for my age as a teen so used to do the Unwins runs for pre-youth club cider snifters.

    Forgotten 80s trivia, can I add: Deely bopper mania of 82, jumpers with ski-ing stick men on. Grey shapeless combat-style troos for men (84-86) - Howard Jones loved 'em.

    That was a few years later for us F-Ron I think it was mock exams and TB injections for this year.
