Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Keeping It Peel - live from 9 tonight...

Pitching in with the celebrations and tributes to John Peel's life, legacy and love of music as part of the Keeping it Peel activities around the web and beyond - tonight's Radio Podrophenia is a Keeping it Peel special. On the playlist are tracks (and occasional appearances) from JP in his Perfumed Garden era, fave album tracks, radio session rarities, a demo version of one his all time top tunes and occasional quotes from Peel himself...

Natter-wise we'd like to know: which acts or tracks did you pick up on from the Peel show.  Which heavy hitters did you catch as absolute beginners, any low level obscurities or heard-once and never forgotten oddities..

Retune to Chance Radio to tap us up on any of the above from 9 tonight on Radio Podrophenia

If you missed last week's show grab below

Radio Podrophenia - Podrophonic Alphabet: E

If you missed our Peelcast from last year fill your boots below...

Podrophenia - Peelcast:soundalikes

A couple of nearly but not quites were...

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