Tuesday, June 30, 2009


Have you got a light Mac?

I've got a feeling, there could be something of Britpop micro-buzz on the blog this week. What with The Charlatans (possibly the most underrated of all B-pop bands) and Black Grape in the last post, and now Blur teaming up with The Beatles in this little gem of Beatleg remix from Mark 'Go Home Productions' Vidler.

Rich Girls And Boys - Go Home Productions

And as a booty bonus variations on the component parts of this mashup

Blur - Boys and Girls (demo)

The Beatles - Baby You're A Rich Man (German Stereo Mix)

"How does it feel to be one of the beautiful people"


  1. Cool tunes. I always liked Blur a lot. It's nice to be reminded of them.

  2. I just downloaded the Blur mix! Thank you so much Mondo... I'm going on a short holiday to San Francisco this week, so this sort of makes the soundtrack for the event! :)

    Hope you're having a great week...

  3. Have to say that that is not my favourite Go Home mix, but maybe I just wasn't playing it loud enough!

    Good to see that the papers filled their pages with rubbish in the 60s too. I can definitely confirm that I am not a 'beautiful person'.

  4. Piley was lucky enough to see Blur at a local low-key warm up gig recently, said they were rocking and lost none of their magic Keith you can read all the review here...

    San Francisco Gabbi now that sounds exciting - you can grab some other great GHP mixes with exclusive info on them right here...

    I think it could do with being a even longer Cocktails - did you try the Blur demo - quite 'lectro - and I believe that article headline was the inspiration behind the opening line of 'Rich Man'

  5. more honest to goodness toons Mondo!

    Yup, I can confirm that Blur are back and better than ever (whoda thought I'd ever be saying that?!)


  6. I'm, shaping up for some Brit-popping this Funky Friday P if I can find the tunes

  7. From all that was televised, I thought Blur were one of the best bands at Glastonbury.

  8. I missed most of Glastonbury Istv, didn't even Sky + it - partly cos it's always on youtube, partly as I was busy getting sloshed at the Leigh Folk Festival

    Great snap isn't it - TWOF, wouldn't you love a time machine to nip back to those swinging parties

  9. I love that newspaper clipping of Paul and Jane! What an awesome picture and headline...
